Simplex Development: Focus on people for sustainable success!
We experienced that in many companies, transformation and restructuring projects often fail because:
- Strategies exist in elaborately prepared strategy papers, but the necessary changes in thinking and acting are not considered.
- It is not looked carefully how “Fit for Strategy” the organization is.
- The management levels, which are ultimately responsible for implementing the strategies, are not enough in focus.

Focus on people means taking into account that complexity has increased, “progress” is developing rapidly and customers and employees have to be taken along .
Focus on people means looking at where the employees stand in terms of skills and abilities and determining what they need to be fit to implement what is expected from them.
However, focus on people also means keeping an eye on the megatrends of our time: What does the generation of people in charge of implementing the strategies over the long term and fill them with life actually want and need?
What does this generation want as a customer ?

At Simplex Development , we focus on the people in the organization based on our experience regarding how essential they are for the implementation of complex changes.
Our experience – your benefit: Simplex Development helps with an experienced view from the outside, with the determination of the current position (assessment) , the conception of solutions (designing) and the implementation (coaching).
Strategies without matching with the lived corporate culture and without taking social megatrends into account are doomed to failure in the long term
Peter Drucker , economist and pioneer of modern management theory, once said on the subject of strategy: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” .
The culture of a company is driven by the individuals in the company.
This includes both the management culture and the informal co-operation among the entire workforce. So in order to be successful, the corporate culture must be an integral part of the strategies, change with it, in order to be “Fit for Strategy” as an organization.
Another focus that management should focus on – before introducing new strategies and structures – is to determine which topics are expected to generate the highest level of resistance in the change process within the workforce.
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”
P. Drucker
Concentrated expertise
We work together with a broad network of specialists, which we can fall back on if necessary and which multiplies our experience. This applies in particular to coaching. Here we rely on a team of experienced, certified business coaches who share our attitude to what we do and our sincere interest in people.